MJ Rivers did something very brave on social media. He posted about something that not a lot of student-athletes would be comfortable talking about, even today.

The former Illinois quarterback, who saw significant playing last season as a freshman, detailed his battle with depression. It was  emotional. It was scary. But Rivers decided to let everyone know what he’s been battling in a post on Instagram.

In the post, Rivers details that he considered taking his own like five times, explain his battle with depression over the years. And after explaining his experiences, he offered helpful comments to those undergoing similar circumstances.

Below is the message that Rivers posted to Instagram:

5. Five is the number of times I’ve came to the edge of taking my life. I have delt with depression for many years now. I felt for years that nobody understood what it was like for me but when i got help i realized I wasn’t alone. I’ve learned to cherish everyday i have and the ones around me, and also to not let everyone I know make sure they know how I love them. These are just some of the people in my life that have helped me see that I can keep on fighting, that i can beat every obstacle that comes my way, that quitting is not an option! If anyone goes through depression or anything of the sort please don’t hesitate to contact me and allow me to help please! You are important and have purpose in the world!!!

Rivers decided to leave Illinois during the offseason, despite having a good chance to be the starting quarterback. He explained that he needed to be closer to home at this stage in his life.

Considering all Rivers has battled, he made a smart choice.

Give Rivers a lot of credit, his battle with depression isn’t something many people his age would be willing to discuss. It takes a lot of courage and bravery to make those comments on social media.