College football creeps closer to return with ruling from NCAA Oversight Committee
The college football season beginning on time seems imminent.
On Thursday, the NCAA Football Oversight Committee passed a recommendation that would allow coaches to begin working with their teams in a formal setting beginning July 13. Yahoo Sports was one of the first media outlets to report the news.
According to the report, the NCAA still needs to approve the recommendation. If it passes, the college football season will be scheduled to start on time. The association is scheduled to meet on June 17.
From Yahoo Sports:
Here’s the schedule as laid out by the Football Oversight Committee. Schools can begin to have access to their players on July 13, which would include strength workouts and coaches engaging in film study with their players. (It would be a week earlier for teams involved in Week 0, as they’ve been told they can start July 6.) According to the language discussed on the football oversight call, summer access “may begin 25 calendar days prior to the first permissible preseason practice date.”
Those eight-hour weeks would transition to a pair of 20-hour weeks on July 24, which have been added in part as a safety measure to help get players physically prepared for the season. These have been discussed by the group as being comparable to NFL OTAs, as they’d include walkthroughs and a ball.
This would lead to the training camp starting date on Aug. 7.
On June 1, the NCAA removed its moratorium on organized team activities. Several schools have already allowed student-athletes to return to campus for voluntary workouts.
All sports came to a halt in March when the country was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since that time, the college football season has been in flux. Now, with the recent ruling, it appears everything will continue as planned, at least from the schedule standpoint.
Athletic directors are still working on capacity measures at stadiums.