This is not a good look for one Mississippi high school.

According to Bracey Harris and Theresa Apel with The Clarion Ledger, the Forest Hill High School Band put on an extremely controversial halftime showing during a Friday night game against Brookhaven. During the performance, students dressed as medical personnel pointed what appeared to be fake assault rifles at other students seemingly dressed as police officers.

That spectacle alone is uncalled for considering the multiple school shootings that have occurred in the United States in recent years. Unfortunately, what makes the performance even worse is the fact that two Brookhaven police officers were killed in the line of duty last week. According to the Ledger, officers James White and Zach Moak were killed in the line of duty on Sept. 29 while responding to a call of shots fired at a house.

Friday’s game was being played in Brookhaven, and the high school had painted White and Moak’s call signs on the field in their memory. Vance Cox shared a photo of the controversial performance to Facebook:

Forest Hill was uninvited from a band competition Saturday as a result of  the incident.