There is a way the 13 B1G universities can avoid Tom Mars’ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documentation on what led to the conference’s decision to postpone fall football. It require some presidents and commissioner Kevin Warren to swallow their pride, though.

Bill Rabinowitz of the Columbus Dispatch recently spoke to Mars — who has confirmed he’s already filed FOIA requests with all 13 B1G public universities — and the prominent college athletics attorney is willing to withdraw his request. However, it would mean the conference is reinstating the fall football season.

Northwestern is the lone school that does not fall under FOIA law, as it is a private institution.

“Tom Mars, the attorney who (among many others) has a public-records request in to the Big Ten asking for all communication related to the decision to cancel 2020 football, tells me if there;s a fall season after all, he’ll withdraw the request,” Rabinowitz wrote.

It’s unclear what Mars would consider a “fall season.” Recently, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the B1G was considering starting the football season around Thanksgiving week. However, the conference’s top option right now still appears to be a spring season with a January start date.

Mars has said multiple times that players and parents deserve to have answers to their questions. So far, the B1G presidents and Warren have been very vague in their explanation as to why the season has been canceled.