Jim Harbaugh makes 'Talladega Nights' reference to Jabrill Peppers two-point takeback
Jabrill Peppers can go fast. Really fast.
His coach knows that, too.
In his weekly press conference earlier this week, Jim Harbaugh said that he was disappointed that a parachute didn’t deploy when Peppers picked up Michigan State’s fumbled two-point conversion and returned it all the way to the end zone.
When BTN put that play together with Harbaugh’s commentary, the coach offered another witty comment, this time in reference to a popular Will Ferrell movie “Talladega Nights”
Let's let @CoachJim4UM handle the play-by-play on this one. @JabrillPeppers 💨 💨 💨 #BTNRemix presented by @Valvoline. https://t.co/xyGONlLavw
— Michigan On BTN (@MichiganOnBTN) November 2, 2016
Cal Naughton Jr & Jabrill Peppers "Slingshot Engaged" https://t.co/fhhFvOapEi
— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) November 2, 2016
The catch-phrase “If you ain’t first, you’re last,” grew extremely popular after the racing movie was released. It appears that Peppers might live by that slogan.
At least on the football field.