Mel Tucker releases statement, calls harassment allegations 'completely false'
Mel Tucker has issued a statement through his attorney addressing the sexual harassment allegations made by Brenda Tracy.
In that statement, Tucker labeled the allegations “completely false.” It also referred to the pending October hearing with Michigan State as “so flawed” as to prevent any opportunity for the truth to come out.
Throughout the statement, Tucker addressed what he referred to as an “intimate, adult relationship” that involved dozens of calls throughout fall 2021 and winter 2022. The head coach claims Tracy initiated “many” of the calls that traditionally occurred late at night. Tucker says he came to trust Tracy through those calls.
Tucker also claims the April 2022 conversation involved a private, mutual event between the two.
As for his standing with Michigan State, Tucker called the pending October hearing a “sham.” He also claims there is an “ulterior motive” geared toward terminating his contract.
Here are some portions of that statement:
Brenda Tracy’s allegations of harassment are completely false. The proceedings initiated by Ms. Tracy are devoid of any semblance of fairness for any matter of this importanc, and the University’s “hearing” scheduled for October 5-6 is so flawed that there is no other opportunity for the truth to come out. That is why I share some truth with you now.”
Yes, I did have a late-night intimate conversation with Ms. Tracy in April 2022. Again, as even Ms. Tracy’s statements to the investigator confirm, this conversation had nothing to do with the University and was outside of the scope of Title IX or any University policy… While I am saddened by Ms. Tracy’s disclosure of the sensitive nature of this call, let me be perfectly clear — It was an etirely mutual, private event between two adults living at opposite ends of the country. She initiated the discussion that night, sent me a provocative picture of the two of us together, suggested what she may look like without clothes, and never once during the 36 minutes did she object in any manner, much less hang up the phone.
I have been ripped from the Team that I love, without any meaningful opportunity to tell my side of the story other than this press release. I am incredibly proud of the outstanding group of men on the Team and my heart aches to be sidelined. I ask everyone to consider carefully the undisputed facts outlined and reserve judgment until the full truth comes out.