Report: Father of MSU associate head basketball coach dies with complications from COVID-19
Michigan State associated head coach Dwayne Stephens has lost his father to COVID-19, according to a report from Hondo Carpenter of Sports Illustrated’s Spartan Nation.
Dwayne Stephens Sr. reportedly died from complications with the virus this week. MSU head coach Tom Izzo said that it was discovered that Stephens Sr. was sick with coronavirus last week.
“It was a little over a week ago, and they found out that his dad was sick down in, I think, Southfield, and he had contracted, I guess, I don’t know the word but with COVID-19,” Izzo told Carpenter. “He seemed to be doing pretty good for a while, and he took a turn for the worse two days ago, and we lost him.”
Izzo said that he, the staff and the team are keeping Stephens and his family in their thoughts and prayers.
Stephens has been a member of Izzo’s staff at Michigan State for 16 seasons. He just completed his seventh year as the team’s associate head coach.