Northwestern’s hazing scandal has an update.

On Sunday afternoon, ESPN’s Adam Rittenberg reported new information regarding the case. Rittenberg says ESPN received a screenshot of a whiteboard which included punishments for players such as “naked slingshot” and “naked bear crawls.”

The screenshot came from a former Northwestern player, per Rittenberg’s report. The player said the whiteboard was in the middle of the locker room for “all eyes to see.”

“That was in the middle of the locker room for all eyes to see throughout my entire time in the program,” Rittenberg said Every single player in this program from 2020 to 2023 knows what Shrek is and knows about the hazing that occurs.”

On Saturday, the Daily Northwestern also reported disturbing details regarding the alleged hazing that has taken place with the program in recent years.

Members of Northwestern’s football teams released a statement on Sunday night calling the allegations “exaggerated and twisted.”

Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald has been suspended for 2 weeks. However, university president Michael Schill said this weekend that he “may have erred” with that suspension. It’s possible Fitzgerald may face further sanctions from the university.