WATCH: Refs make one of the worst CFB calls this season in roughing the snapper
You’ve heard of roughing the kicker, right?
It makes sense. Kickers are pretty defenseless. They have one job: Look down and kick the ball. It’d be pretty unfair to let defenders just rough them up.
For quarterbacks, it’s a bit different. But again, we’ve heard of roughing the quarterback. We all understand that they’re trying to make the game safer.
But on Saturday night, a call got made that doesn’t happen very often, if at all. No. 12 Michigan was punting to No. 15 Wisconsin because the Badgers’ defense held the Wolverines offense.
Fine, nothing odd.
But as the punt was happening, something odd did happen: A ref called roughing the snapper.
Take a look:
"roughing the snapper"
— Sam Cooper (@SamDCooper) October 14, 2018
As you can see, the snapper gets pushed backward and he ends up falling. Doesn’t seem egregious, does it?
Apparently, that was illegal. Sorry, but, no touching the snapper.
That’s what seems to be a rule we haven’t heard of too often — if ever.